Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Observations and Wyatt

I am a day behind in writing this so I will make it short with some observations from the weekend and yesterday. First of all let me begin by saying I work with "exceptional children" or as they once were labled special ed. I work in a third-fifth grade cluster class with children who teach me everyday. One of my biggest lessons came early this school year "Mr. Dragstrem, books are for reading (then a long pause) NOT eating or burning..."  I have that lesson written up on my message board by my desk. Another lesson I have learned is to "just deal with what the good Lord gave you..." We have children who have lost their mother or are from a broken home and on top of that they are either autistic, physically disabled, mentally disabled, or a combination of all three. These children get off the bus or out of their car with a smile on their face and a great attitude. This leads me to my youngest child Wyatt.

Wyatt is fondly called our "last" child. He has the chronological age of eleven but the developmantal age of around four. He has a brain disorder called pachigyria which is a form of "smooth brain syndrome." His disorder causes seizures and developmental delays in some children it cause SEVERE delays which makes Wyatt seem "normal" I air quote normal because NO child is normal. Each child comes with their unique abilities and burdens. With Wyatt his smile and ability to brighten my day when he squeals "dad" like he hasn't seen me for a long time even though I seen him not five minutes ago. There are days I wish I could see the world through his eyes. We went to a park on Sunday and he got the opportunity to get his feet wet in a creek and walk in the crisp air. We saw birds, fish, and chipmunks on our nature hike (he was in his wheelchair and loved when we would go over a little rough patch along the trail).

Enough of my observations here is my "Week in History" list... Happy Constitution Day on the seventeenth...

Wyatt and his happy outlook...

September 14, 1901: Teddy Roosevelt becomes the youngest United States President on the death of William McKinley.

September 15, 1862: Confederates capture Harpers Ferry during Civil War.

September 16, 1620: Mayflower departs from England (100 days until Christmas)

September 17, 1787: US Constitution is signed.

September 18, 1793: US Capitol cornerstone is laid.

September 19, 1881: President Garfield dies becoming the second assassinated President

September 20, 1519: Ferdinand Magellan sets out on trip to circle the globe....

Have a Magical Week!

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